Je vous pri de dire que je suis vivan *

*Le Temps, Rafael, November 19, 1909

It was in 2016 that I first discovered the existence of the clown Chocolat, in the movie inspired from his life. But strangely enough, I don't think I realized that day that he really existed.
He seemed fictional to me, as if the story was an imaginary one.

The first black artist in French history is a ghost, and it wasn't until seven years later that he came back to me.
His name is Rafael, and he was one of the most famous figures of the Belle Epoque. It was through the work of the historian Gérard Noiriel that I was able to investigate this man and discover his absence from French entertainment history.

Work in progress
From the project :

Les informations présentées dans ce documentaire sont issues des recherches de l’historien Gérard Noiriel.
Merci également à Jean-Pierre Lefèvre de l’association «PourquoiPas» pour son interêt.

Liens et références :
- « Chocolat, la véritable histoire d’un homme sans nom », Gérard Noiriel, 2015/2017
- En 2016, l’association Daja organise la première grande exposition sur le clown Chocolat, à la Maison des Métallos, Paris.